On the road againnnn, goin’ places that i’ve never been!

GUEST POST TIME!!! Our lovely friend Stephanie Marinkovic kindly shared her thoughts with us about kindness on the road; what is okay, what isn’t okay, and what’s just plain stupid. 
Our roads are a shared space and we should all make the effort to be a little more kind when we’re out and about.

So we’ve reblogged a post on tips for a better cycling experience but there’s much more room for kindness on our roads. Here’s some things to remember:

In the last week, I had a pedestrian quite literally run out onto the road, right in front of my car as I was going 60km/h and then another who decided she’d take a nice leisurely stroll across the road, so slowly that I had to completely stop to avoid hitting her.

Apart from the fact that you should care about your own safety, if you need to cross a road without a light or pedestrian crossing, be wary of the cars around you. They have the right of way and it is extremely infuriating when pedestrians can not adhere to basic road and safety rules. By just waiting for the one extra car to go past before running out onto the road, you’re not only protecting yourself but making our road experiences more pleasant for everyone involved!

Since getting my licence, I’ve realised just how rude and selfish some drivers can be. First off, indicators. USE THEM. It’s not just common courtesy, it’s the law and it’s amazing how many people just decide they’re not necessary. Second, don’t tailgate. If you’re in that much of a hurry, overtake them. Find some room for kindness and don’t pressure them to speed up. Third, is it that hard to just let people merge in front of you? I didn’t think so. Especially in the traffic rush in the morning. We’re all in the same situation so why no be a bit kinder to others on the road.

Check out the post on tips for a better cycling experience. They’ve pretty much got it covered! But just as a recap. Indicate: It’s just as necessary for cyclists as it is motorists. Don’t run red lights and refrain from zigging in and out of traffic. It’s annoying and scary for the motorists (who I can assure you, do not want to hit you) and it’s just basic safety. And for some more added humour, enjoy these memes: